

15分版 15min

2時間版 2hrs

  氏子集落には、神楽歌で「日向(ひゅうが)なる二上嶽の麓にて 乳ケ岩屋(ちちがいわや)に子種まします」「花は散る紅葉は落ちる鞍掛(くらかけ)の 位はいつも有明の月」と歌われる、小谷内(こだにうち)の洞窟・乳ケ窟(ちちがいわや)をはじめ、鞍掛山、跡取川奥畑の大日如来や横原(よこわら)天神社など、多くの神仏が大切に祀られている。また、地域づくりの一環として、山附渓谷ホタル祭り、集落ロードウオーキング大会をはじめ、小学校における俳句指導、農業体験学習の場としての水田・水車小屋提供など、学校を支えるボランティア活動も活発に行われている。

【Oshikata-Futagami Kagura】
Mt. Futagami stands in the mountainous region of Gokase Town along Route 218 that extends from the Takachiho Town known as mythological land toward Kumamoto Prefecture. According to the oldest chronicles of Japan, Nihon-Shoki and Fudoki, it is where deity Ninigino-mikoto, descended from the heaven. Home to Odake and Medake peaks, Mt Futagami is dedicated to the deities Izanaki and Izanami and worshipped throughout the ages. It is said that Futagami Shrine at the foot of the mountain was founded in 898 during the period of Emperor Daigo, reconstructed in 1511 and again in 1814 after a fire. The main hall is decorated with engravings of the deities Izanaki and Izanami, and the deity Shoki, who is worshiped for warding off evils and for the Boys festival in May. The purification site, storehouse for a portable shrine, kagura stage, treasure hall, the worship hall, and main hall are all situated in the shrine precinct. The former worship hall is decorated with 36 immortal poets on the ceiling, and has remains of Takachiho-gosha Shrine.
The parishioners of Oshikata Futagami Shrine consist of 42 households in 3 villages centered around the Yamatsuki Community Center, 25 households in 2 villages centered around the Atotorigawa Community Center, and 16 households centered around the Miharaono Community Center. The night kagura is organized by 6 villages in yearly rotation. The Futagami Kagura Preservation Association is made up of 17 performers, many of whom are in their 40s through 60s.
Various deities and buddha statues in the villages are worshiped and adored by the parishioners at the Kodaniuchi and “Chichiga-Iwaya” caves, Mt. Kurakake, Atotorigawa-Okuhata, and Yokowaraten Shrine. Such is the dedication that they are described in the Kagura songs
Community development efforts thrive in the community; besides the firefly festival in Yamatsuki Valley and village road racewalking event, volunteers are actively involved in school activities, including haiku coaching at the elementary school and inviting students to paddy fields and water mills for agricultural experience and learning.

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