

15分版 15min

2時間版 2hrs


【Mukaiyama-Hiate Kagura】
Located at the western end of the Shiiba Village and bordering on Kumamoto Prefecture, Mukaiyama-Hiate is in a mountainous region that constitutes the roof of Kyushu. The district is made up of 30 households, many of whom are self-sufficient farmers or engaging in forestry or construction. Shiratori Shrine enshrines the spirits of the survivors of the Taira clan and is said to be founded in 1204. The name of the shrine was changed to Mukaiyama Shrine in 1871.
Mukaiyama-Hiate Kagura is held at the Mukaiyama Hiate-Community Center on the third Saturday and Sunday of December. It is said that Mr. Shichizaemon Zouza, an ancestor of the current priest, was taught 33 acts of kagura for three years and three months by Tsuchimochi-Ise-no-kami, a former governor of Takachiho. Since the Community Center is standing at the former site of a temple that was dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist goddess, the statues of Juichimen Kannon are still enshrined in the Community Center. The Association for the Preservation of Mukaiyama-Hiate Kagura consists of 22 performers, many of whom have learned kagura since they were elementary school students and been performing from a young age. Kagura-seri, accompanying kagura songs and chants given by the audience, is also passed to young generations. Mukaiyama-Hiate has a longstanding exchange of kagura with neighboring villages of Mukaiyma-Hizoe, Omae and Oteno, playing an act during each other’s night kagura performances. The Kagura has rarely been suspended by the passing of the inhabitants.

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