

15分版 15min

2時間版 2hrs


【Omae Kagura】
Omae is a district of 67 households, located on the uppermost reach of the Mimi River in the western end of the Shiiba Village. The Omae Valley extends from the district to the source of the Mimi River and is famous for its pristine autumn leaves. The valley with abundant mountain freshwater is well-known among anglers as a habitat of yamame, a kind of trout. Due to the popularity of hunting, many hunters reside in the district and hunting dogs are well respected.
Omae Kagura is held on the second Saturday and Sunday of December at Omae Shirne to pray for abundant harvest, good health, and the regional safety. At first, “shikisanban” referring to three important programs “Ichikagura,” “Daijin kagura,” and “Hananote” are performed in the main hall, followed by a shinto ritual to welcome the deities. Afterwards, the performers accompanied by the deities descend the mountain in procession towards the worship hall while beating a taiko drum. The kagura performance lasts until the following morning on the performance stage decorated with sakaki branches and paper streamers at the front.
The 22 performers called “kagurako” include young men who have been learning kagura since elementary school. Children’s Kagura liven up the night kagura performance. After the “shikisanban” performance in the worship hall, the performance gets more exciting by the audience singing and chanting the “kaguraseri,” which is characterized by the powerful yet elegant dance with wide arm rotation and vigorous footwork. The village has a longstanding kagura exchange with the neighboring villages of Mukaiyama-hizoe, Mukaiyama-hiate, and Otenoo, and has played an act at the neighbors’ kagura performances.

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