

15分版 15min

2時間版 2hrs


【Toshita Kagura】
The community of Toshita is located in the southern part of Morotsuka, in Miyazaki Prefecture, and as of 2018 consists of 9 households, in which night kagura is performed. Morotsuka is a mountain village surrounded by mountains of around 1000 meters in height, and since around 95% of the area is covered by bountiful mountain forests, forestry and the cultivation of shiitake mushrooms are very popular.
Shiratori-jinja, the main shrine for the community of Toshita, venerates Yamato takeru no mikoto, the main deity featured in Toshita kagura, which is performed at the Shiratori-jinja’s annual festival.
The local Residents’ Association building is designated for the performance of Toshita kagura, and a high-floored sacred stage is constructed extending outdoors to welcome the deities. Besides the futsū kagura, or ‘normal kagura,’ which is performed every year, there is also ō-kagura, or ‘great kagura,’ performed to honor special occasions or auspicious years for the community, which has a repertoire consisting of fifty dances. It is said that the yamamori kagura, which involves a dialogue between the mountain deities and the Shinto priest, and is only performed during ō-kagura, is entirely unique.
Toshita kagura has very similar roots to Minamigawa kagura, which is geographically close to the area. With a lot of exchange of kagura dance and music taking place, the communities will often participate in each other’s kagura performances to liven the occasion
After the ceremony at Shiratori-jinja is completed, the mai-ire opening purification ritual is performed using a broom-like implement, and in addition to the deities mentioned in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, the local deities also head to the kagura performance. The odaijin, the title given to the kagura performance, with the intention of inviting the myriad deities to the stage, is divided into upper, middle and lower sections. Once the performance reaches the middle section, the house next to the kagura stage is opened up as the waki-yado (‘side-house’), and the local women begin to freely serve food and provide hospitality throughout the evening. Once the odaijin has finished, the kagura-seri uta is performed, and the kagura area becomes a space where the deities and villagers can commune with one another.
Unique aspects of Toshita kagura include the wide variety of phrasing used, the negi-uta, singing by the performers, and the syōgyō (chants), the content of which, unlike many shrines that followed the modern exclusively Shinto approach in recent generations, still retains a lot of evidence of Shinto-Buddhist duality. The Toshita Kagura Preservation Society published a book listing these unique features in 2015, and are actively working to promote local kagura.

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