

15分版 15min

2時間版 2hrs


【Yokariuchi Kagura】
Yokariuchi is a district of 17 households scattered along the slope of mountains, overlooking the water surface of Iwayado Dam in the northeast of Shiiba Village. Hunting is still popular in the district and the head of the largest wild boar caught is presented to the deities at the night kagura performance.
Yokariuchi Kagura is presented to the local tutelaries at Tenman Tenjin and Morikakura Shrine on the third Saturday and Sunday of December to pray for abundant crop and good health. After Shinto rituals at each shrine, “Zatsuke” is performed as part of the program to welcome the deities. Subsequently, the deities are ushered to the Yokariuchi Community Center and the kagura is performed until the dawn. The sound of the taiko drum reverberates ceaselessly, even during intermissions.
The performance stage called “mikouya” is decorated with bamboo grass at the four corners and ropes on all sides, with sakaki branches and paper streamers hanging in turn. The white paper streamers called “Hoshi no Hei” are suspended from the center of the ceiling with coins, hemp, and rice grains. The takamagahara alter as well as a bundle of straws adorned with gold-colored metal streamers and sakaki branches are set up in the stage front to invite deities. The exterior of the mikouya stage is also decorated with five-color paper streamers hanging tall from trees, looking as if the dancers were performing in the forest.
Although the Kagura Preservation Association is made up 40 members, only 12 or 13 of them perform in practice. As many of the performers are living outside of the district, the Association is looking for ways to preserve their night kagura.

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